To be a leading petroleum and mineral regulatory authority in the region & a model for institutional development in Timor-Leste.



Workshop Interministerial on PSC TL-SO-19-16

PRESS RELEASE WORKSHOP INTERMINISTERIAL ON PSC TL-SO-19-16 Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) together with SundaGas Banda Unipessosal Lda as operator on Production Sharing Contract (PSC) Area TL-SO-19-16 along with its joint venture partner Timor Gap Chudtich Unipessoal Lda as a one of subsidiaries from Timor-Leste National Oil Company Timor Gap E.P held an interministerial Workshop. […]

ANP Signing the PSC with ENI Timor 22-23 B.V.

ANP Signing the PSC with ENI Timor 22-23 B.V. Autoridade Nacional do Petroleo represents the Government of Timor-Leste signing the Petroleum Sharing Contract of PSC TL-SO-22-23 block P with the Eni Timor 22-23 B.V. which is one of subsidiaries from Eni Itali incorporated under the law of Netherlands. For the details please click here ANP […]

Karau-1/Feto-Kmaus-1 and Lafaek-1/Weda-1 Exploration Wells Discoveries Announcement.

PRESS RELEASE Karau-1/Feto-Kmaus-1 and Lafaek-1/Weda-1 Exploration Wells Discoveries Announcement. Monday 27, November 2023. The Karau-1 exploration well (with its local cultural name known asFeto-Kmaus-1 well) is the first onshore exploration well drilled in the PSC TL-OT-17-08 and the Lafaek-1exploration well (with its local cultural name known as Weda-1 well) is the third onshore exploration welldrilled […]

Exploration Well Discovery

Media Release Exploration Well Discovery Kumbili-1/Liurai-1 exploration well is considered as technical Discovery as proved by oil samples that was taken by mini-DST and the presence of C1-C5 during mud logging monitoring.For details please click here

Interkoneksaun Plataforma Komersializasaun ANP ho ASYCUDA

Interkoneksaun Plataforma Komersializasaun ANP ho ASYCUDA Dili, 25 Outobru 2023, Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) hakarak anunsia katak ANP ho Autoridade Aduaneira (AA) kompleta ona interkoneksaun entre sistema ASYCUDA ho ANP nia plataforma komersializasaun eletrónika liu hosi Janela Uniku Eletróniku Timor-Leste (Timor Leste Electronic Single Window/TileSW). Detallu kona-ba Komunikadu Imprensa, favor klik iha ne’e