Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (ANPM) Public of Notice, No. 4/2016 Granting of License to Downstream Activity Pursuant to Article 8.1 and Article 16.1 and 2 of Decree Law no. 1/2012, of 1 February, on Downstream Sector. The Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais would like to make public notice on the granting of […]
Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) Public of Notice, No. 4/2015 Granting of License to Downstream Activity Pursuant to Article 8.1 and Article 16.1 and 2 of Decree Law no. 1/2012, of 1 February, on Downstream Sector. The Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo would like to make public notice on the granting of License to companies who […]
Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) Public of Notice, No. 2/2015 Granting of License to Downstream Activity Pursuant to Article 8.1 and Article 16.1 and 2 of Decree Law no. 1/2012, of 1 February, on Downstream Sector. The Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo would like to make public notice on the granting of License to companies who […]
Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo (ANP) Public of Notice, No. 2/2014 Granting of License to Downstream Activity Pursuant to Article 8.1 and Article 16.1 and 2 of Decree Law no. 1/2012, of 1 February, on Downstream Sector. The Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo would like to make public notice on the granting of License to companies who […]
1. Downstream Activities License Application Form Applicants are require to submit application form for requesting or renewing downstream activities licenses based on information stipulated under article 10 submission of documents of Regulation no.2/2014, of 24, October 2014, first amendment to regulation no.1/2012, of 24 October 2012, on administrative procedure, requirement and fees for the granting, […]