Autoridade Nacional do Petroleo e Minerais (ANPM) is Timor-Leste public institution, created under Decree Law No. 1/2016 of 9th February, 1st amendment of Decree-Law No. 20/2008 of 19th June, on the Autoridade Nacional do Petroleo, responsible of managing and regulating petroleum mining activities in Timor-Leste area, both offshore and onshore and in the Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA) in accordance with the Decree Law on the establisment of the ANPM, the Timor-Leste Petroleum Activities Law, the Timor Sea Treaty and the Mining Code. Currently ANPM is seeking two (2) qualified Timorese for position:
The candidate selected for this position will support ANPM Portugues Language Specialist on trnaslation various documents during the meeting and conference when using Portugues language, provide advice to staff in relation to interpretation and translation material in areas required and also facilitate the ANPM staffs communication and their Portugues Language development within ANPM.
The candidate selected for this position will support driver services to ANPM staffs and support the Administration officer to corporate to all Directorates.
All applicants must submit a cover letter in English explains about your interest and relevant education apply for this position together with an updated CV include relevant documents such as: University certificate (Transcript & Certificate), Timor-Leste’s ID (Eleitoral, BI, or/and Passport) and to list 3 references personal contact details (Contact No. & Email address). More details information regarding the vancacy, please download the position description (PD/ToR) at www.anpm.tl. All applications submit to hr@anp-tl.org or hand carry to ANPM office at Tower of Ministry of Finance, 6th & 7th Floor, Ai-Tarak Laran, Dili.
Applications deadline April 10, 2018 at 05:00pm and only short-listed candidates will be contacted for tests and interview.
ANPM promotes Equal Employment Opportunity to all gender in Timor-Leste. ANPM also invests to Human Resources capability development.
Dili, 16th March 2018
Dores Vilanova
(Human Resource Officer)
Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (ANPM) hanesan instituisaun publiku, ne’ebé estabelese ho dekretu lei No. 1/2016, loron 9 Fevereiru, alterasaun dahuluk husi dekretu lei No. 20/2008 loron 19 Juñu konaba Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo, ne’ebé iha responsabilidade atu maneija no regula atividades petroleo no mineiro iha area Timor Leste, iha tasi laran no iha rai maran inklui area konjunta ba desenvolvimentu petróleo. Agora dadaun ANPM hakarak rekruta Profesional Timor Oan nain rua (2):
Kandidatu ne’ebé manan iha vaga ida ne’e sei apoiu Specialista Lingua Portugues atu halao tradusaun dokumentus oin-oin durante iha suromutu, konferensia waihira usa lingua Portugues, fornese idea ba staff relasiona ho interpretasaun no tradusaun material ne’ebe rekere no mos fasilita ANPM staff hotu atu komunika no desenvolve staff sira nia abilidade lingua Portugues.
Kandidatu ne’ebé manan iha vaga ida ne’e sei apoiu serbisu motorista nian ba ANPM no kontrola no ajuda Ofisial Administrasaun iha Diresaun Serbisu Koperativus atu atinji objetivus organijazaun nian;
Ba ita boot sira ne’ebé interese ba pozisaun ne’e, bele haruka ita bo’ot sira nia dokumentu sira hanesan CV aneksu ho sertifikadu Universidade (sertifikadu no transkrisaun), Kartaun Eleitoral ka Kartaun Bilhete Identidade (BI), inklui Cover Letter ne’ebé esplika ita bo’ot nia abilidade profesional ba pozisaun refere. Dokumentus hirak ne’e haruka ba dirasaun Rekursu Umanu ANPM nian ka liu husi karta elektronika/email hr@anp-tl.org
Ita boot sira nia aplikasaun no CV ka resumu tenki hakerek ho lian Ingles no inklui mos lista pesoal nain tolu hanesan referensia.
Ba informasaun klaru liu tan konaba kriteria esensial no termu referensia serbisu ba vaga ne’e bele kontaktu direitamente ba iha eskritoriu ANPM nian iha Torre Ministerio Financas Timor-Leste, Pisos 6&7, ka email ba iha hr@anp-tl.org. Bele mos download termu referensia serbisu ba vaga ne’e iha ANPM nia website: www.anpm.tl
Vaga ne’e sei taka iha loron 10 Abril 2018, tuku 05.00 lorokraik. ANPM sei kontatu deit kandidatus sira ne’ebe maka pasa ona iha prosesu short-listing.
ANPM promove oportunidade serbisu hanesan ba jéneru hot-hotu iha Timor-Leste. ANPM mos investe iha Dezenvolvimentu kapasitasaun ba Rekursu Umanu sira.
Dili, 16 Marsu 2018
Dores Vilanova
(Ofisíal Rekursu Umanu)