Santos has completed the acquisition of ConocoPhillips’northern Australia and Timor-Leste assets.
Media Release
Santos has completed the acquisition of ConocoPhillips’northern Australia and Timor-Leste assets
Based on information provided by Santos as published at Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) dated 28 May 2020, the Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (“ANPM”) on behalf of the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals would like to inform public that Santos has completed the acquisition of ConocoPhillips’northern Australia and Timor-Leste assets.
It is important for the public to notes, before completion of such transaction, all condition precedents as stated under the Share Sale and Purchased Agreement (SSPA) between Phillips International Investment Inc (seller) and Santos KOTN Pty Ltd (purchaser) occurred on 14 October 2019 has been met by the parties.
The particular transaction also leads to the change of contract operator to Bayu Undan Production Sharing Contract (PSC-TL-SO-T 19-12 and PSC-TL-SO-T 19-12). As part of compliance to regulatory framework applicable to Timor-Leste, on 24th January 2020 Santos sought ANPM’s approval to the change of contract operator. On 28 April 2020, ANPM acting according to article 33 of the Decree-law 24/2019 on the transitional Petroleum Titles and Regulation of Petroleum Activities in Bayu-Undan field with prior consents from the Acting Minister for Petroleum and Mineral Resources and the Special Representative of the Government for the Petroleum Sector, had granted its approval to the change of the contract operator from ConocoPhillips to Santos.
Both Santos and ConocoPhillips reaffirmed their commitments to comply with conditions stipulated under ANPM’s Acknowledgement and Acceptance for the respective transaction.
Santos Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Kevin Gallagher said he was pleased to complete the acquisition which is fully-aligned with Santos’ strategy to build on existing infrastructure positions around Santos’ core assets.
Mr. Gallaghar further emphasized that “As a foundation partner in Bayu-Undan and Darwin LNG, and an existing partner in Barossa, we know these assets well. We are delighted to assume operatorship and continue to progress the Barossa project so that a final investment decision can be made when market conditions permit.”
“We welcome the ConocoPhillips’ Australia-West employees to Santos and look forward to getting on with the process of integrating our two businesses to create one high performing team,” Mr Gallagher added.
The ANPM, on behalf of the Ministry of Petroleum and Minerals, looks forward to working with Santos in delivering its commitment under the PSC-TL-SO-T 19-12 and PSC-TL-SO-T 19-12.#####
Komunikadu Imprensa
Santos Sosa ona ativu sira husi ConocoPhilips parte Norte-Australia no Timor-Leste
Bazeia ba informasaun fornese husi Santos ne’ebé mak publika iha Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) iha loron 28 fulan Maiu 2020, Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (“ANPM”) liu husi Ministériu do Petróleu no Minerais hakarak informa ba públiku katak Santos Sosa ona ativu sira husi ConocoPhilips parte Norte-Australia no Timor-Leste.
Importante ba públiku atu nota katak molok kompleta tranzasaun refere, katak parte rua mos kumpre ona kondisaun presedente sira hotu hanesan estabelese ona iha akordu kompra e venda (sosa no fan) ba asões entre Phillips International Investment Inc (vendedora) no Santos KOTN Pty (Kompradora), ne’ebé akontese iha loron 14 fulan Outubru 2019.
Tranzasaun ne’e lori mudansa ba operadór kontratadu ba Kontratu Fahe Produsaun Bayu Undan (KFP -TL-SO-T 19-12 no KFP-TL-SO-T 19-12). Hanesan parte ida husi kumprimentu ba enkuandramentu jurídiku aplikável ba Timor-Leste, iha loron 24 fulan Janeiru 2020 Santos solisita/husu aprovasaun husi ANPM ba mudansa operadór kontratadu. Iha loron 28 fulan Abril 2020, ANPM atua haktuir ba artigu 33 husi Dekretu-Lei No 24/2019, loron 28 Agostu, kona ba Títulu Tranzitóriu ba Petróleu no Regulasaun husi Atividade Petrolífera iha Kampu Bayu Undan, ho konsentimentu préviu husi Ministru Interinu ba Rekursu Petrolíferu no Minerais no Reprezentante Espesiál husi Governu ba setór Petrolíferu, konsede ninia aprovasaun ba alterasaun operadór kontratadu husi ConocoPhilips ba Santos.
Tanto Santos nune’e mos ConocoPhilips reafirma sira nia kompromisu hodi kumpre kondisaun sira ne’ebé iha Karta Rekoñesimentu no Aseitasaun husi ANPM ba tranzasaun refere.
Administradór Delegadu no Diretór Jerál Santos nian, Kevin Gallagher afirma katak nia haksolok tebes hodi sosa ona no organizada ho estratejia husi Santos hodi dezenvolve pozisaun sira ezistente iha infra-estrutura em torno de ativu prinsipál Santos nian.
Señor Gallaghar subliña/ salienta katak “ nudar Sósiu fundasaun iha Bayu Undan no Darwin GNL no mos hanesan Sósiu ezistente iha Barossa, ami kuñese didiak ativo sira nee. Ami haksolok tebes hosi asume atividade operadór nian no ami kontinua avansa nafatin projetu Barossa atu bele foti desizaun final ba investimentu bainhira kondisaun merkadu nian permite”.
“Ami fo ami nia boas vindas ba serbisu naín sira husi ConocoPhilips Austrália mai iha Santos no hein katak ho prosesu integrasaun ami nia negósiu rua ne’e atu bele kria ekipa ida ho dezempeñu as”, tenik Señor Gallagher.
ANPM, liu husi Ministériu Petróleu no Minerais, hein katak bele servisu hamutuk ho Santos hodi kumpre ninia kompromisu hanesan haktuir iha KFP-TL-SO-T 19-12 no KFP-TL-SO-T 19-12.
Se karik iha duvidas ka presiza informasaun mais detalladu kona-ba konteudu husi komunikadu imprensa ne’e bele kontaktu ANPM nia seksaun Relasaun Públika liu husi email ####