To be a leading petroleum and mineral regulatory authority in the region & a model for institutional development in Timor-Leste.


JPDA (Legal Heritage)

The Timor Sea Treaty, signed between the Governments of Timor-Leste and Australia in 2002, established the Joint Petroleum Development Area (JPDA) in the Timor Sea. Under this Treaty, Timor-Leste and Australia control, manage and facilitate exploration and exploitation of petroleum resources in the JPDA, for the benefit of the peoples of Timor-Leste and Australia.

Following is a list of Legal Framework established for the administration of the petroleum activities in the JPDA and some existing petroleum contracts:

No. Legal Framework for Petroleum Operations Type Download
1. Timor Sea Treaty  Tetun | Portuguese | English
2. Interim Petroleum Mining Code  Tetun | Portuguese | English
3. Petroleum Mining Code  Tetun | Portuguese | English
4. Interim Regulations issued under Article 37 of the Interim Petroleum Mining Code  Tetun | Portuguese | English
5. Interim Directions issued under Article 37 of the Interim Petroleum Mining Code  Tetun | Portuguese | English
6. Interim Administrative Guidelines for the Joint Petroleum Development Area  Tetun | Portuguese | English
7. Certain Maritime Arrangements in the Timor Sea  Tetun | Portuguese | English
8. Greater Sunrise – Memorandum of Understanding  Tetun | Portuguese | English
9. Greater Sunrise – International Unitisation Agreement  Tetun | Portuguese | English
10. Production Sharing Contracts:

JPDA PSC 06-101 A
JPDA PSC 06-103
– JPDA PSC 06-105
– JPDA PSC 11 – 106



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11. Summary Details:

– Public Notice Section 19 of PMC-Summary of PSC JPDA 11-106
– Artigo 29.SII.No.8.2014 da Lei das Atividades Petroliferas-ANP
– Jornal da República Serie II No. 36
– Summary PSC 03-12
– Summary PSC 03-13
– Summary PSC 03-19
– Summary PSC 03-20



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Tetun | Portuguese | English
Tetun | Portuguese | English
Tetun | Portuguese | English
Tetun | Portuguese | English
Tetun | Portuguese | English