Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (ANPM) launched the Ilimanu Marble Study on 1st March 2018 in Beheda area adjacent to the marble study location, following the award of the contract to an Australian based company, Resource Futures Pty Ltd.
The launching was marked by a cultural ceremony performed by the elders in Hilimanu, witnessed by the Minister of State and Minister for Mineral Resources, H.E. Mariano Asanami Sabino, key-project stakeholders, the local authorities and the communities in the vicinity of the study area.
In his speech, H.E. Mariano Asanami Sabino reaffirmed Timor-Leste’s commitment to promote investments in the mineral sector and invite all stakeholders, particularly communities in the study area, to collaborate and support the implementation of the study.
He further added that the Ministery of Mineral Resources, through ANPM and Institute of Petroleum and Geology E.P. (IPG), continues to investigate prospects and potential for investment in the mineral sector to support the development of the country.
Resource Futures Pty Ltd will carry out the study under a Prospecting License. The Prospecting License does not grant exclusive right to explore nor develop marble resource in the study area. ANPM will supervise this work closely during the course of implementation.
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Autoridade Nacional do Petróleo e Minerais (ANPM) lansa Estudu ba Mármore iha Hilimanu iha loron 1 fulan-marsu 2018 iha área Beheda besik ba fatin estudu mármore, depoizde asina kontratu ho kompañia ida husi Austrália ho naran Resource Futures Pty Ltd.
Lansamentu ne’e hahú ho serimónia kulturál husi lia-na’in sira iha Hilimanu, akompaña husi Ministru Estadu no Ministru Rekursus Minerais, S.E. Mariano Asanami Sabino, parseiru sira ba projetu, autoridade lokál sira no komunidade sira besik ba fatin estudu.
Estudu ne’ebé sei implementa durante fulan sanulu-resin-rua nia laran ne’ebé lidera husi peritu sira husi Austrália, Nova Zelándia no Itália ho objetivu atu halo mapa ba depózitu mármore iha área estudu, rekolla amostra hodi halo teste laboratóriu iha Carrera, Itália no, ikusmai, sei promove amostra mármore sira husi área estudu iha merkadu globál iha fatin balu. Estudu ne’e mós sei haree ba viabilidade atu dezenvolve fábrika mármore komersiál ki’ik ka médiu iha área refere.
Iha ninia diskursu, S.E. Mariano Asanami Sabino reafirma kompromisu Timor-Leste atu promove investimentu iha setór minerál no konvida parseiru hotu-hotu, liuliu komunidade sira iha área estudu, atu kolabora no fó apoiu ba implementasaun estudu refere. Nia hatutan Ministériu Rekursus Minerais, liuhusi ANPM no Instituto do Petróleo e Geologia E.P. (IPG), kontinua investiga prospetividade no potensiál ba investimentu iha setór minerál atu apoia dezenvolvimentu iha Timor-Leste.
Kompañia Resource Futures Pty Ltd sei hala’o servisu iha terrenu ho Lisensa Prospesaun. Lisensa Prospesaun ne’e sei la permite kompañia atu iha direitu ba eskluzividade atu esplora ka dezenvolve rekursu mármore iha área estudu. ANPM mak sei tau matan ba estudu ida-ne’e durante ninia implementasaun.